Chester The Cheese
Chester The Cheese

Chester The Cheese

Regular price $8.99
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Cute Cartoon Hot Dog & Cheese Plush Pet Toy, Interactive Soft Dog Toy, All Breed Sizes, Cotton Material


Chester the cheese man comes from a long history of cheese wedges in the pet industry. This will only ever make sense if we go back to the first generation of cheese wedges all names Clarence. Clarence was an anomaly ended in triumph and pet store takeover. The best farmer around in 1868 named lady Wendy was out tending to her cows when the runt of the group (Patricia) started to glow. She was interested but it was time to milk all of them so she put it out of her head and forgot. When she got to milking Patricia she noticed that the milk was sparkly like someone had dumped a bunch of glitter in it. Knowing this wasn't sellable she thought she would experiment a bit and try and make a beautiful cream out of it. After mixing a while Wendy noticed the first Clarence ever. There was a block of cheese!! With legs!! This led to the runt of each cow group getting valued because these cheese blocks took over the world. Each generation has a new name, so meet Chester- the 894th batch if cheese blocks.


Coming from an event background we knew we wanted to make our store stand out and give our people more than just dog/cat food. We want your dog to get excited when they pull into the parking lot; we want YOU to get excited when you pull into the parking lot! We plan to offer mini events at our Cadboro Bay location when its safe to do so and in the mean time will offer the community some amazing art installations, dog vending machines you can hit up if we are closed and a free community dog wash!

happy customers

"thanks for spoiling us at the store today cant wait to come in again and shop!"

-Lauren, victoria BC