Introducing the Cool Pet Pad – No Water, No Refrigeration, No Electricity Needed to Keep Your Dog Cool!
Our Cooling Bed - U.S. Pat. No. 8,720,218 B2 - U.S. Pat. No. 9,226,474 B2 - uses revolutionary pressure-activated cooling technology to cool your pet without the need for water, refrigeration or electricity! As soon as your pet lays on the pad, the cooling effect kicks into action and lasts for up to three hours (depending upon conditions)! Once your pet gets off the pad, it will automatically recharge within 15-20 minutes of non-use! Sound cool? Wait til you try it!
You can “supercharge” your pad by putting it in the refrigerator and it will last even longer.
Winner of the Pet Product News International Editors Choice Award and The Family Choice Award!
Here's How This Amazing Technology Works:
The Cool Pet Pad is activated by your dog’s weight/body heat. It requires very little weight to activate so even the smallest of pets can cool on the XL pad! Just a short period on the Cool Pad will leave them feelin